What is third-party application management AM
Application management (AM) is defined as the application maintenance of software. Primarily, it provided by external expertise in the field of information technology.
The application software is generally within the IT department. Therefore, that must be maintained for the correction of Bugs, the regulatory correction, the technical correction …
When maintenance is efficient, it creates value.
Manage the teams. Assistance in strategic choices.
The keys to successful maintenance
- Think about the maintenance from the start of the Project
- Define a Budget for maintenance because maintenance is essential in a Project
- Take the time to correct the bugs to have a stable base before moving to V2
- Application support
- User training
- PilotingMaintenance is an essential element for every IT Project.
What are the advantages of La AM?
Calling on external specialists in the business for the maintenance of its applications is an advantageous process for the company. This will be able to:
- Better control the cost of maintenance
- Benefit from functional and technical expertise that is difficult or expensive to maintain in an internal IT department
- Control the risks
- Develop functionalities
- Improve the user journey
- Improve data security
- Focus on your core business.
Who is an AM team made up of?
- A Project Manager
- A technical referent
- Software engineers
What does Eurivi Group do during the TMA period
- The monthly steering committee makes it possible to take the measure of the actions carried out and make a reorientation as soon as necessary.
- The schedule is based on workshops for monitoring and continuous listening.
- Good functional knowledge makes it possible to be as close as possible to understanding the customer’s issues.
- Good functional knowledge allows us to produce test books supporting the proper conduct of projects
- We put in place a reference documentation guaranteeing good functional and technical control of the products.
- Satisfaction surveys ensure that the consideration of needs and measures to improve satisfaction are taken into account on an ongoing basis.
- Our PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) type DMAIC (Define Measure Analyze Implement Control) ensures continuous improvement.
What does Eurivi Group do before maintenance
- Familiarization phase: allows you to perform the application audit, analyze the architecture and take an inventory of documents. This understanding of what already exists allows Eurivi Group to draw up an effective monitoring plan which will determine the work processes to be put in place.
This phase of acquaintance is the opportunity to address anomalies and wishes for changes.
- Getting started phase: this step marks the start of our support, we ensure the correction of bugs and make suggestions. Eurivi Group is responsible for corrective, adaptive and evolutionary maintenance.
- The monthly steering committee makes it possible to take the measure of the actions carried out and make a reorientation as soon as necessary.
- Good functional knowledge makes it possible to be as close as possible to understanding the customer’s issues.
- Satisfaction surveys ensure that the consideration of needs and measures to improve satisfaction are taken into account on an ongoing basis.
- Our PDCA (Plan Do Check Act) type DMAIC (Define Measure Analyze Implement Control) ensures continuous improvement.
The objective of Eurivi Group is to ensure the proper functioning of the site and/or application.